The School Day

Our office is open each day from 8.15am to 3.45pm.

Breakfast Club

Our breakfast club opens at 7.30am. Entry into breakfast club is through the small hall doors off the infant playground.

Children's Entrance

Families can access the playground from 8:30am.

Doors into school open at 8:35am and shut at 8:45am.

Total hours per week: 32.5 hours

Please note that during drop off time adults/parents/carers should bring their child onto the playground and handover to a member of staff on the door.  

Late Children

Children must enter school through the main office and sign in.

End of the School Day

The school gates are opened at 3:10pm. Classes are brought to their allocated doors by a member of staff.

Late Collection by Parents/Carers

Please notify the school office by telephone if you are late collection your child/ren.