Healthy Schools

Healthy Schools Statement of Intent

We take ‘keeping healthy’ seriously at Kingsway Primary Academy.

We teach children about making good choices to do with their health, such as promoting and encouraging Healthy Eating. ‘Keeping Healthy’ is very much embedded throughout the curriculum. This year we have had school nurse visits to Reception, Year 2 and Year 5 to promote dental hygiene. Additionally, Year 5 and Year 6 have had held workshops regarding Healthy Lifestyles and Choices.

At Kingsway Primary Academy, we discuss healthy eating with the children and encourage them to make healthy choices.

We have a school policy that only fruit, vegetables or cereal bars are to be eaten at playtimes and request that parents do not include sweets or fizzy drinks in packed lunches.

All children have their own water bottle in class and we encourage the children to drink water throughout the day, especially in hot weather or after sports.

We never tell children that there are things they can’t eat, rather we encourage them to think about the food they eat in terms of a balanced diet, it is good for us to eat more of some foods than others. In particular we encourage the children to remember the ‘Eat 5 A Day’ idea, for fruit and vegetables.