Mental Health and Well-Being

Mental Health and Well-Being

At Kingsway Primary Academy, we aim to create a culture, ethos and environment to support our pupils, parents and staff with mental health and well-being.

We have an important role to play in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of pupils, by developing approaches tailored to their particular needs. We have a duty to promote the welfare of pupils, which includes: preventing impairment of children’s health or development, and taking action to enable all children have the best outcomes.

Early intervention to identify issues and provide effective support is crucial.  Following the model outlined in the Department for Education document ‘Mental Health and Behaviour 2018’ we aim to ensure pupils talk openly about their own mental health.

In addition, we work to promote parental engagement and continue to build strong, trusting relationships with our parents. We ensure all teachers are available to meet pupils and parents each day and work hard to invite our parents in to school at every opportunity.

You can find our Mental Health and Wellbeing policies in the Key Information section – Policies tab.


Mental Health and Well-Being: Bronze Award

Kingsway Primary Academy has presented a detailed profile of evidence that demonstrates they are embracing across all of the eight competencies of the School Mental Health Award.

The school has used the framework and content of the award to good effect to develop their mental health and wellbeing strategies, structures, and practices.

The school has made significant and rapid progress in achieving a strong profile in the last twelve months building on work that had already been a part of their culture and ethos.

The school articulated how they had effectively used the framework to interrogate the work they are undertaking and provided comprehensive evidence that supports their self-assessment.

The school talks with passion and evidences well how they have implemented numerous comprehensive policies and practices that involves all elements of the school. They highlighted work relating to strategies put in place where they were previously lacking.

The introduction of the ‘student calming jars’ as well as the ‘talk to us cards’ were referenced as being particularly key in the development of the work across the school.

In addition, the school are proud of the strong ethos and the focus and subsequent achievement of a positive orderly working environment. The school has achieved the Bronze award and is embracing this.